Studio Joey
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Hi Friends! Before you check out your pictures here is a little info to help you through the process... Ordering Basics: • Orders must be placed within 2 weeks of proof publishing. Seniors must place order within 2 weeks of receiving proof book. • An appointment to order pictures can be scheduled but is not necessary. Orders can also be placed on line, through email, through a phone call or in person. It’s up to you… • All packages can be mixed and matched with different poses. Wallets can be mixed and matched as well but you must keep your poses in multiples of 8 for printing purposes. • Please use the id# located under each portrait on our website when ordering portraits. Seniors- the same id# is in lower corner of each picture of your proof book. • Half of your total purchase is required at time of order. The other half is due at time of pick up. • Please allow 2 weeks from time of order placement for order to be processed and printed.